Church Planting Resident
Job Description – Full-Time: 40-50 Hours a Week
Peninsula Grace Church
Church Planting Resident Mission Statement
• To equip disciple-making disciples through church planting
Heart/Summary of the Role
• A man who is, himself, a growing disciple of Jesus, and has a vision for equipping others in the same direction
• Primary focus is to plant a church
–Residency at Peninsula Grace for 1-3 years to incubate with a church planting team
–Sent with a team to plant a new church locally
• While on staff at Peninsula Grace:
–Helping oversee our discipleship pathways (Foundations/Apprentice Track, Discipleship Triangles)
–Training and equipping disciples within our body to lead in these pathways
–Leading and modeling evangelism efforts
–Engaging in other ways you are gifted
• Someone whose wife (if married) also loves Jesus and supports her husband in discipling and planting churches
Desired Knowledge and Experience
• Biblical studies
• Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent experience
• Experience and/or training in church planting
• Experience in discipleship (discipleship: becoming like Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit and His Word, and making other disciples who make other disciples who…)
• Able to teach and preach
• Reports to: Lead Pastor, Elders
• Supervises: A growing team in our discipleship learning tracks and incubating a church plant team
• Elders will provide training as needed (online courses, personal discipleship, on-the-job experience)
• Acts 29 Church Planting Assessment
• Networking with other church planters and the Acts 29 network
Area of Responsibilities
• Church planting
–Surveying local area to plant a church
–Developing a core team to plant a church in our community; planting (prayerfully) in a 1-5-year window
• Discipleship Pathways
–Oversee and develop learning tracks (currently, the Foundations and Apprentice Tracks – 1-2 year courses to help grow disciples) and discipleship triangles (3-4 men or women growing together as disciples)
• Evangelism
–Help ministry leaders develop a plan for outreach and spreading the gospel to our community
Tasks and Functions
• Eldership
–Complete a one-year elder “in-training” process
–Be an elder, meeting every week with elder board (Wednesdays, 6.00-8.00am)
• Teaching/Oversight
–Teach and/or facilitate biblical classes, preaching as much as once a month
–Teach and train teachers for disciple pathways and learning tracks
–Training disciples in our discipleship triangles
• Staff
–Attend weekly staff meetings (Wednesdays, 9.15-10.15am)
–Establish consistent office hours; 30-40 hours/week (present Sundays & as needed)
• Note: all of this is very dependent on circumstance. There are many variables but this at least gives the heart of what we hope to see happen in the transition from staff at PGC to pastoring a fully independent church.
• Begins with a full-time salary funded through the church’s general offering
• After 1-3 years, shift toward support-raising/paid by new church plant members at a rate of approximately 25% per year
Contact Pastor Justin Franchino at (907) 252-8854 or See more info here.