The Director of Student Ministries is responsible for leading and implementing the Student Ministry of Grace Church.
Qualifications for the Position:
This person must be a committed follower of Jesus Christ; be committed to His church; and be passionate about discipling students, parents, and families. This position requires the abilities to teach and communicate clearly, to disciple others in their walk with Christ, to develop and train other leaders, and to relate well across different generations. This person must have a strong knowledge of the Bible, a teachable spirit, and be willing to work well with others.
Requirements of the Position: [Reports to the Senior Pastor]
• Give vision and direction to the Student Ministry at Grace Church (both middle school and high school)
• Cultivate healthy relationships with students and parents, providing discipleship, counsel, correction, and instruction as needed
• Develop and implement a discipleship plan that helps students learn the Bible, the doctrines of the Christian faith, and how the faith intersects with the prevailing cultural narratives of our day.
• Organize, plan, and implement events for students.
• Lead, equip, and recruit volunteers in the Student Ministry, leading a Youth Staff to best and most effectively accomplish the mission of the ministry.
• Establish clear communication with parents of students and actively develop and implement avenues to equip and disciple parents.
• Oversee training opportunities throughout the year that provide parents with Biblical instruction and training to help them better understand their role and responsibilities
• Work with the Senior Pastor and Executive Director of Operations to promote the integration of students into the life and ministry of Grace Church
• Engage in community opportunities, faith-based ministries, and/or local schools to reach youth
• Promote and model the value of inter-generational relationships in the life of the church
• Participate and be engaged in staff meetings and other staff gatherings
• Shepherd and care for Grace Church, including (but not limited to) hospital visits, counseling, and all-church gatherings, as needed. Be regularly engaged in the Sunday morning corporate worship service(s) and other special services of the church
To apply, or for more information, send a resume to