If you have a passion to serve as a Lead Pastor of a church that desires to reach its community and move to a high level of effectiveness, then you should consider Grace Church of Chambersburg. Grace Church, located on the east side of Chambersburg, PA, is a member of the Charis Fellowship; a network of locally-governed churches and ministries that are passionate about Jesus in Truth, Relationship, and Mission. (For information on the Charis Fellowship follow this link: https://charisfellowship.com/beliefs/ ).
The forty current church attendees desire to see the church reach the un-churched, grow Christ-followers, equip Christ-followers to actively minister; and develop leaders to own the ministry. The new Lead Pastor will have a passion to see the church become vibrant through evangelism, discipleship and effective preaching of God’s Word.
We have taken the time to assess our strengths and weaknesses and see great potential for growth and impact. To fulfill the vision God is giving us will require a Lead Pastor who works in partnership with the Elder Team and serves as the leader of leaders while building relationships with the current members and attenders, strategically developing and implementing the church’s vision; and passionately leading and equipping us to reach the unchurched within our spheres of influence.
Chambersburg, PA is 16 miles North of the Maryland line and 52 miles southwest of Harrisburg, the capital of Pennsylvania. Within the city limits, Chambersburg has a population of approximately 22,000 people and Franklin County has about 150,000 people. The average household income is $63,500 and the median age is 40.
The Lead Pastor will oversee/develop the following areas:
Development and implementation of the vision of the church
Development of ministry leaders
Coaching ministry workers
Development of ministry systems
Oversight of the Sunday services including preaching regularly
Oversight and development of an outreach culture
Oversight and development of the discipling system
The Lead Pastor will…
Be a growing, mature Christ-follower who passionately loves and follows Jesus
Be in agreement with Grace’s philosophy of ministry, which includes its mission, vision, and statement of faith
Have a strong desire to lead a church that values the Un-Churched
Have a strong desire to build relationships with the Christ-followers of Grace Church and with Un-Churched individuals in the area
The Lead Pastor will have the following desires and abilities:
Able to develop and implement ministry vision
Able to make wise decisions quickly
Able to galvanize others to own the Church’s vision
Able to develop, encourage, and coach Christ-followers to minister to each other and to reach the Un-Churched
Able to effectively preach with a high degree of effectiveness and application
If you are interested, please complete this application for employment: https://assistcx.org/apply.