Mission & Beliefs

Shared Mission

Charis Fellowship churches plant churches, train leaders, and do good for the sake of the Gospel.

Charis_Planting Churches

We affirm that the church is God’s plan for this age and commit to mobilize our churches, members and resources to plant new churches.

Charis_Training Leaders

We affirm that a leader is a person who influences others towards the fulfillment of defined objectives and is indispensable to the health and multiplication of the Church.

Charis_Doing Good

We affirm that God has created human beings with physical, emotional and spiritual needs and that the Church expresses the compassion of Christ in proclaiming the Gospel while caring for various needs of mankind.

The Charis Commitment to Common Mission outlines the mutual commitments of our global Charis Alliance family in planting churches, training leaders, and doing good in our communities. All churches and ministries of the Charis Fellowship (United States and Canada) are called upon to pray and take specific steps to fulfill these mutual commitments.

The Charis Commitment to Common Identity is a summary of our biblical convictions, mutual commitments, and common practices. It is not intended to be a complete expression of what we believe and practice, nor is it intended to be the final expression of those beliefs and practices. Rather, it is a current expression of our ongoing quest to apply the unchanging truth of God’s Word to the constantly changing realities and needs of our world. This document serves as our statement of beliefs. It is formatted around three “clusters” as follows:

  1. The Center affirms our eternal loyalty to Jesus Christ, through whom we live and move and have our being; 
  2. The Evangelical Core outlines the convictions we share with those in the stream of historic orthodoxy and global evangelical communities that possess a high view of God and the Scriptures;
  3. The Charis Identity summarizes the perspectives and practices shared among Grace Brethren churches and leaders around the world.