Grace College basketball coach Jim Kessler (center, red shirt), recently returned from leading a group of eight coaches who led basketball clinics, taught about AIDS, and shared the Gospel in three cities in Kenya, Africa. Five of the eight coaches were from the Community Grace Brethren Church in Warsaw, Indiana. Kessler and the coaches conducted clinics for about 450 Kenyan youth, ages 9-19, teaching basketball fundamentals and setting the stage for a presentation by Baptist AIDs Response Agency (BARA) on the importance of abstinence in stemming the AIDS pandemic in Kenya. Kessler’s daughter, Jenny, has been working with BARA under the auspices of the Grace Brethren International Missions organization for the past year, and helped set up and organize the clinics and presentations. Kessler explained the group’s mission and shared digital photos of the trip with the Global Prayer Group last evening. GBIM executive Tom Julien is at left in the photo, and Grace College golf coach Dan Pacheco is at right.
Coaches Teach Basketball, AIDs Prevention in Kenya
Sep 2, 2004
Posted in Archived Posts, Brethren Digital Archive