Propelling vision and mission through celebration, connection, education, and inspiration.

DeArmey Reports on Pilgrim House Ministry

Aug 31, 2005

Larry DeArmey, GBIM missionary to Spain (second from left in photo), sends along this photo and brief followup to the cover story on Pilgrim House in the July/August 2005 issue of FGBC World.

We had another great time on the St. James Way serving pilgrims as they walked by our house. It was a challenge this year since we were only four volunteers.

The picture I am sending shows our little band. We are Dan and Tiffany Sandlian, Rick Satterthwaite and yours truly.

All day long every day there were several hundred pilgrims who stopped for a rest, a cup of coffee, water and discussions with our team. We probably averaged 12 each night for supper and a bed.

The discussions last year were more intense in nature, but it was nearly impossible to do any follow up. This year, many gave us their names and email addresses and want to stay in touch. Dan and Tiffany have a lot of invitations to visit some of these pilgrims located all over Europe. We are very happy with this added dimension to our ministry this year.

Once again, there were pilgrims from most of the cities where we minister in Europe. We are looking forward to staying involved in this strategic ministry in years to come.
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