Ed Lewis, executive director of CE National, will be the featured speaker at a joint US/Mexican youth conference this weekend. This annual event was featured in the July/August, 2004 issue of FGBC World, page 5 (see archived issues). Here is part of Ed’s prayer request for the event:
Just wanted you to know that I would appreciate prayer this weekend if you think of it.
I leave on Friday for Orange, CA, where I will join about 150 young people to travel by buses to Tecate, Mexico, where we will join about 200 youth from Mexico (many of them are non-believers). This will be a campout/retreat.
I am to be the speaker for this international, evangelistic cross-cultural weekend. It is planned by the Orange, CA, Grace Brethren Church and of course I will have a translator as I speak. I know no Spanish–except “bonjour”
The prayer is that there will be many who will pray to receive Christ.