Propelling vision and mission through celebration, connection, education, and inspiration.

Giving Hope by Meeting Practical Needs

Oct 6, 2022

A version of this story originally appeared in a newsletter from Momentum Ministry Partners. Find more information on their website here.

What if there was a practical way for you to deliver the Hope of Jesus and serve others this Christmas season? Momentum Urban Centers are providing an incredible opportunity for you to do just that!  Momentum is inviting you and your family OR a group from your church to come join us for our CHRISTMAS HOPE Weekends 2022 in Philadelphia and Los Angeles.  

At Momentum we aim to make Jesus make sense to others. We are providing our CHRISTMAS HOPE Weekends as a way for believers to give hope by meeting practical needs of those in the urban city. Each of our weekends will include ministry to the homeless and an opportunity to engage with people in the city. Gather up your family, your small group, your student ministry, your young adult group OR even your student leadership team and come join us for one of our 6 weekends of CHRISTMAS HOPE in the city. 


  • Nov 25–27
  • Dec 2–4
  • Dec 9–11
  • Dec 16–18
  • Dec 28–30
  • Dec 30–Jan 1

If you and your church are interested in bringing a group to a CHRISTMAS HOPE weekend and want more information about cost, schedule, and how to register, email for Philadelphia here or Los Angeles here

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