Propelling vision and mission through celebration, connection, education, and inspiration.

Goshen Group ‘Angels God Sent’

Sep 8, 2005

Pastor Jim Brown of our Goshen, Indiana, church and a team from the Goshen church are currently in Mobile, Alabama. Here is one of Jim’s early reports:

We made it to Alabama after 18 hours of driving, eating and enjoying spending time with each other. We slept in a Methodist church and spent the day with 17 guys chopping and sawing wood.

We had divine appointment after divine appointment. Our hearts are weepy and we feel like we are doing something so very significant.The team is very united and are growing closer together.

Let me tell you one specific story that brings me tears as I write. We were out about cutting down trees and a lady drove by and saw the blue crew in action. She was about to drive by and she said the Lord told her to stop and turn around.

She came by us and told us that her 80-year-old cancer-stricken father had a large tree on his house. She had prayed that morning God would send her help. She told us we were angels God had sent to answer her prayers.

Story after story. We are broken, and God is changing us. Please continue to pray for us! May God use us in ways that we can’t imagine !

Please pray that we will be able to go to the places that God wants us to. Posted by Picasa