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Grace Brethren Hams Invited

Mar 18, 2005

FGBC pastor Chuck Winter (Sunnyside, Washington) sends along this invitation to anyone interested in amateur radio:

Grace Brethren amateur radio operators are invited to join other Christian hams on a daily 20 meter Fellowship net. The net is sponsored by the ARMS Christian Fellowship Group, formerly the Amateur Radio Missionary Service Fellowship. This world-wide net meets Monday-Saturday on 14.3075 MHz at 1500 Z (ST), 1400 Z (DT). Sectional nets on 40 and 80 meters meet weekly in all parts of the U.S.

The ARMS group was organized in 1957 by several hams at the Philadelphia School of the Bible and continues to provide on-the-air and in person fellowship opportunities. For more information you may contact the ARMS Fellowship Group at 708 Hillcrest, Grandview WA 98930. You may also obtain information at the ARMS website: