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Grace Grants Prison Degrees

Jun 8, 2005

The following note is from the “Grace Connection” e-mail update, distributed free each midweek by Judy Daniels in the communications office at Grace College and Seminary. You, too, may receive the Grace Connection, simply by e-mailing Judy at and typing ADD in the subject line.

Nineteen of Grace College’s prison extension students at the Indiana State Prison at Michigan City received their diplomas on June 3. Dr. David Plaster, vice president for academic affairs at Grace, was present for the ceremony and gave greetings from the campus.

Tomorrow, 12 students at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility in Carlisle, Indiana, will receive their degrees from Grace College. Grace President Ron Manahan will be the speaker for that ceremony. In July, 23 prison extension students at the Miami Correctional Facility in Bunker Hill will receive their degrees from Grace.

All totaled, 31 students are graduating with Associate of Science degrees in Biblical Studies and 23 earned Bachelor of Science degrees in Organizational Management. Grace continues to offer 17 courses this summer at four Indiana prison locations – the three mentioned above, plus Pendleton. Please remember our prison students and graduates in your prayers as they live and work in a difficult environment.