BMH Books, Winona Lake, Indiana, is pleased to announce the release and immediate availability of an exciting new book on personal evangelism by a Grace Brethren author.
“How to Start a Kingdom Conversation” is by Dr. Duke Heller, a dentist from the Worthington, OH, Grace Brethren church, who has had a distinguished career both in oral implantology and in personal evangelism. Well-known for sharing his faith continually and fearlessly, Heller presents seminars and workshops on evangelism a number of times each year.
Subtitled “Sharing Christ With Those Closest to You,” the 148-page paperback starts with endorsements and forewords by four of today’s Christian leaders—Zig Ziglar of Dallas, TX; Pastor Jim Custer of the Worthington (OH) Grace Brethren Church; Erwin Lutzer, pastor of the historic Moody Church in Chicago; and Dr. Richard Mayhue of The Master’s College and Seminary in Santa Clarita, California.
Ziglar says, “I believe there is a critical need for this book.” Custer says, “Duke does not write as a theoretician who tells us how to witness; he takes us by the hand and shows us how….here is help for us all!”
The book’s 17 chapters cover a range of evangelism-related topics from “Approaching Our Parents” to “Starting a Conversation With Strangers,” to “The Role of Prayer.” A unique inclusion is a chapter entitled “What Are They Really Thinking?” based on actual responses to a questionnaire distributed to those who committed their lives to Christ through Heller’s method and materials.
The book concludes with a cut-out card which can be laminated and placed in a wallet or purse for handy reference when sharing one’s faith. Through Heller’s website a companion “Mayishare” brochure and training video/DVD are also available.
Heller is available for speaking engagements and interviews by contacting BMH Books at “How to Start a Kingdom Conversation,” which retails for $11.99 plus shipping and handling, is available through by credit card or by calling (toll-free) 1-800-348-2756. Quantity discounts are available for churches and individuals wishing to use the book as a text or in evangelism training.