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Miriam Uphouse Weds David Christensen

Nov 27, 2004

Miriam Uphouse, former Dean of Women at Grace College, today wed David Christensen in a ceremony at Winona Lake (Ind.) Grace Brethren Church conducted by Pastor John Teevan.

Mrs. Uphouse, 87, had known David Christensen, 89, since their college days together in Philadelphia. Each had previously lost a spouse to death, and many of their children and grandchildren participated in the ceremony.

The matron of honor (left) was Mrs. Uphouse’s daughter, Abigail, of Fort Wayne, Ind., and the best man was Dr. David Christensen (right) of Reading, Pa.

The Christensens will live half the year in Winona Lake and the other half in the Poconos in Pennsylvania, where Christensen owns a home.