In October, 26 families who are serving in ministry in remote Alaska gathered for a Ministry Family Retreat. The week-long event, held at Victory Bible Camp in Glacier View, Alaska, was the twentieth annual event of its kind hosted by Arctic Barnabas, the newest cooperating ministry of the Charis Fellowship. Read more about Arctic Barnabas in a recent story here.

“A recurring theme among the families — especially the new families — was a realization that they were not alone in ministry or in the challenges they face in serving in remote Alaska,” said Rob Bearden, executive director.

Entire families received free dental care, free chiropractic care and massage therapy, access to free counseling for families, couples, and individuals, and daily sessions with worship and Bible teaching. They also engaged in a variety of fun activities like horseback riding, shotgun shooting, a spa day, a carnival fun fair, and much more.
“We host this retreat to recharge these ministry families so they can continue to effectively advance the Gospel in remote Alaska,” said Rob.
The theme of the week focused on Romans 8:37 and being more than conquerors in Christ.
Rob said, “Our hope was to remind these amazing families that their strength is in Christ, and no matter what trials they endure as they work to share the Good News, they can overcome through the power of Him who overcame death and the grave.”
Find out more about the ministry of Arctic Barnabas on their website here or send a message to connect with them here.