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NCO Pastors Are On Mission

May 3, 2005

Todd Scoles, of the Northwest Chapel staff in Dublin, OH, and the coordinator for the North Central Ohio district, has sent along a list of North Central Ohio Grace Brethren pastors who will be on mission trips this spring and summer.

The NCO district includes 22 churches, 90 clergy staff, and has an aggregate attendance of about 7,000 on Sunday mornings. Here are some of the pastors and their intended ministries:

Chip Heim (East Side GBC) will be in Ukraine, May 6-21. Fenton McDonald (Pataskala GBC) and Tony Webb (Southwest GBC in Grove City) will travel to Cambodia in May. Dave Bogue (Upper Arlington GBC) and Larry Edwards (Southview GBC) have plans for Africa. Jim Custer (Polaris GBC) will head a study tour of Greece in May. Mo Grimm and Martin Guerena (Northwest Chapel GBC) will lead a team of students to Mexico.

These men and those ministering with them would appreciate prayers for safety, for effectiveness in ministry, and provision for family members and churches left behind while they are traveling.

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