The July/August, 2005 issue of FGBC World, the bi-monthly publication of the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches, is now posted and available online at The paper edition of the paper should arrive in homes and churches around July 1.
The lead stories for the current issue include the Norm Johnson/Ann Nichols marriage after each had lost a mate; a feature on the Pilgrim’s Fountain and the creative strategy to reach spiritual seekers in northwest Spain and Europe; and a review of the Equip05 activities in addition to the educational courses offered.
Each issue contains much more–a Grace Brethren Almanac, a calendar of upcoming events of general interest in the Fellowship, an historical article every issue (L.S. Bauman feature this issue), announcement of new BMH Book products, an article stating the clear plan of salvation, and much more.
The paper is available free to anyone requesting it (click “subscribe” on the website). In addition, the site features current job openings in Grace Brethren churches and organizations, a church locator to find a Brethren church anywhere in the US, and a link to this daily “Editor’s Blog” with updates on Grace Brethren people and churches and events of general interest to the Christian conservative community.