Propelling vision and mission through celebration, connection, education, and inspiration.

Ohio Couple ‘Hits the Target’ with Bowhunting Witness

May 1, 2005


Lee Cornelius (left) and his wife, Joy, have found a satisfying outreach ministry with local bowhunters in the southwestern Ohio area. They are members of the Community Grace Brethren Church of West Milton, Ohio (Steve Peters, pastor).

A stick and a piece of string have enabled Lee and Joy Cornelius of Tipp City, Ohio, to do several things they’d wanted to do for a long time.

First, it’s given them an opportunity to have a ministry as a couple. Second, it’s enabled them to lead people to Christ. And third, it’s given them some non-Christian friends and contacts to expand their witness beyond their church family.

Soft-spoken Lee and bubbly, outgoing Joy are sitting at the table of their cozy home just off Interstate 75 down the road from the Dayton, Ohio, airport. All around their house are reminders that this is an outdoors family–bows, arrows, animal skins, lanterns, and more.

Joy and Lee are having “the time of their lives,” they say, being part of a local bowhunting group, Lord of the Harvest Archery Club, which was begun by outdoorsman Gerry Calliouet in 1992. And they are deeply involved in the OSTA

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