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Pastor Mentoring Program Announced

Oct 31, 2005

Grace Seminary graduate and former faculty member Dr. John Stoll (pictured), who directs a counseling and Bible study ministry out of his headquarters in Minnesota and Arizona, recently announced that a pastor-mentoring program he and colleagues have been working on is now available. Here is an excerpt from his announcement:

As of this week, the mentoring program for pastors that we have been working on for over a year has finally become a reality.

Dr. Samuel Ng, myself, and four other mentors have been conducting a pilot program with two evangelical denominations. We have now come to the point of making a full presentation to the executive directors of these two denominations.

They have accepted our proposal, and are willing to convey their approval to their constituent churches for consideration of what we have to offer. We have put together a major document that we presented to them.

The basic essence of this document has now been placed on our new website, which you may access at: This will give you a brief understanding of what we are doing to assist pastors in the stewardship of their churches.

As you view our website, you may have questions and/or comments, which we will gladly consider. The link “Mentors Resume” is not yet complete, but will soon be. Our addresses, etc. are on the “Contact” link of the website. May we hear from you. Posted by Picasa