Elizabeth Schaefer, whose husband, James, is a Grace Brethren military chaplain in Afghanistan, sends along this personal note and a link to a website that honors those who have recently made the ultimate sacrifice.
This is a hard page to look at–it is all the men we have lost from our units here in Hawaii, both from Iraq and Afghanistan. They are all part of the 25th Infantry Division. Our families have definitely made sacrifices this year, but especially these families.
Most of our troops are home from Iraq now. We will all be so grateful when we get the guys home from Afghanistan. Some of them won’t be home until May or even June, so we have to keep them in our prayers.
James knows many of these guys personally, and the two guys who died on October 16th were in the crash that our friend Greg was in. Greg is home now, but still has not recovered from his injuries, but I praise God his picture is not among these…
To see the page of remembrance, click here: