“We haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of the depth of the resources from God.”
This week dozens of pastors and ministry leaders from Southern California gathered for the Southwest Focus Retreat. Dan Allan, Charis Fellowship executive director, led the group through a look at some of the ways God resources our souls.
During each session Dan highlighted a different way our souls can be resourced, such as the Psalms and Bible stories. Worship for the week was led by Michael Sciarra from Grace Church of Rancho Cucamonga and James Holt from Grace Church of Orange. All eight of the national ministries were represented and shared updates.
The retreat was held at the Salvation Army camp in Calabasas, Calif., in the Santa Monica Mountains. Participants had many opportunities to enjoy the beautiful setting including dining in a covered pavilion, soaking up the sun during personal quiet times, and hiking the many trails at the park.