Where is your heart finding strength right now? What is supplying confidence for your soul? Charis Fellowship Executive Director Dan Allan posed these questions at the Central Focus Retreat.
Nearly 80 pastors and ministry leaders gathered at Maumee Bay in northern Ohio from October 9–11. Andrew Saunders, networking coordinator, emceed each session and a worship team from Marysville Grace Church, led by Isaac Murrell, led worship.

Dan led the group through several discussions on how we can resource our soul and be equipped to resource others’ souls. Through examining Bible passages in large groups, small groups, and individually, participants gained tools and insight on how their soul can be resourced through the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the people of God.
Other activities participants enjoyed were a sunrise worship and prayer gathering and a few rounds of the newlywed game that included pairings in the categories of new & not so new, office buddies, people named Tim, and ministry leaders. There was also plenty of time for fellowship over golf, disc golf, board games, baseball, and making s’mores over an indoor campfire.