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Rick Warren Features Ken Brown BMH Book

Sep 23, 2004

Rick Warren, in his Ministry Toolbox Issue #173, features and endorses BMH Books’ latest publication, “Timely Insights Into Timeless Truth” by Ken Brown. To obtain a copy of the book, click here.

Editorial Review — A few gifted people have the insight to observe ordinary events of life – what people say and do and even what they think – and discover the extraordinary. Ken Brown is such an observer. His insight into the ordinary and his ability to relate his observations to truth with practical application is significant.

Ken’s insight into biblical truth is equally noteworthy. For the Christian, it is not enough merely to observe the events and people around them; it is even more important to interpret them in light of eternal truth. From a broad and deep knowledge of Scripture, Ken Brown applies culturally relevant and timeless biblical principles to life and its challenges.

He’s found something worth reflecting over on William Carey’s tombstone, in a testimony in the will of Henry Heinz of ketchup fame, in a late night rendezvous with Lyndon B. Johnson as he collected votes from the deceased. Ken has an uncanny ability to see God in all things.

In one insight from the book, Martin Luther remarked, “If God had all the answers in his right hand, and the struggle to reach those answers in his left, I would choose God’s left hand.” Ken then directs his reader to glimpse what the apostle Paul had to say to the Corinthians: “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Cor. 4:17).

After reading these short insights, one might be tempted to exclaim, “Why didn’t I see that?”