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Schoolmates Reconnect at Grace Village

Jun 30, 2014

Mary Hoffman (left) and Ruth Ridgway both graduated from Mentone High School in 1934. Now, all these years later, the two are still good friends and dine together every day at Grace Village. (Stacey Page Online Photo)
Mary Hoffman (left) and Ruth Ridgway both graduated from Mentone High School in 1934. Now, all these years later, the two are still good friends and dine together every day at Grace Village. (Stacey Page Online Photo)

Two residents of Winona Lake, Indiana’s Grace Village, a cooperating ministry in the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches, are featured in a story on the online news site, Stacey Page Online. A portion of the story appears below. Click here to read the complete article.

Still Friends After All These Years

Mary Hoffman and Ruth Ridgway were both part of Mentone High School’s graduating class of 1934. The two were school pals.

“We spent our first grade at Mentone School, in an old brick building,” says Hoffman. “Our paths crossed again in eighth grade, and we finished high school together.”

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The two ladies carried on with their lives over the years. Each had one son—Stephen Ridgway and Miles Hoffman, respectively. Hoffman eventually retired from farming and working as a postal clerk in Silver Lake. Ridgway moved back to Kosciusko County to be close to family.

Their paths would cross again in retirement at Grace Village in Winona Lake. “It was just happenstance that we ended up right here together,” says Ridgway.

“We both lived in retirement for awhile before we came to assisted living,” says Hoffman. “Now we eat at the same table for our meals,” says Ridgway.

Click here to read the complete article.