Pastor Kork Moyer, coordinator of the Northern Atlantic Fellowship, calls our attention to the following opportunity, hosted by Grace Brethren Church at Willow Valley in Lancaster, PA (John Smith, pastor).
“The Case for a Creator”
Sunday, August 28 from 5:45-8:00 pm at Grace Church at Willow Valley
Did all this happen by chance or does the complexity of the design point to a divine designer?
Join us for a FREE satellite seminar with Lee Strobel, Mark Mittenburg and Dr. Stephen Meyer as they examine the evidence for the creator.
During this seminar you will discover how the latest scientific evidence refutes popularly accepted theories of naturalism, instead pointing to a world created by an intelligent designer.
Once science and Christianity seemed light years apart, yet today increasing numbers of scientists are coming to the conclusion that the world looks well-designed because it was intelligently designed by a creator.
Contact Pastor Steve Doutrich at, or call Grace Church at Willow Valley, 717-464-2782 to register.