Propelling vision and mission through celebration, connection, education, and inspiration.

African Leaders Get ACTS Training in France

Jun 27, 2005

Dave Guiles, (center, rear of photo), executive director of Grace Brethren International Missions, sent along the following update on June 25 (his birthday) regarding the current ACTS in AFRICA training sessions with African Grace Brethren church leaders being held at the Chateau St. Albain in France. Here is an excerpt from his report:

Twelve key leaders representing Cameroon, Chad and Central African Republic are here with Tom Julien (outer left) Mike Taylor (outer right of photo), Tom Peters, Greg Burgess (translator) and myself for two weeks of intensive conceptual training.

The attendance of the Cameroonians seemed doubtful last week. But many
prayed, God answered and visas were granted in time. Our first week was
dedicated to understanding the agricultural metaphors of Scripture and how
they should guide our work in evangelism and discipleship.

Afternoons were spent contextualizing the content for the unique challenges and opportunities of each country. Friday featured a Day with God and concluded with communion.

This weekend we are taking a break, and Sunday the men will visit Grace Brethren Churches in the region. Next week we’ll tackle the construction metaphor, as well as body, shepherd and temple.

After looking at how the apostles used these word pictures to guide church planting in the New Testament, the men will wrestle with the implications of these truths for their own ministry context. Things wrap up on Friday.

Please join us in prayer that God will continue to work. So far, some
relationships have been restored, several have renewed their commit to
Christ and the spirit is very positive. Yet much work remains to be done!

More information is available at and at
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