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Family Business From Ripon, CA, Church Featured

Dec 27, 2004

The Floyd Cover family from the Ripon, Calif., Grace Brethren Church (Glen Shirk, pastor) is featured in today’s edition of the local newspaper, the Manteca Bulletin. The family, which operates a wholesale-retail nursery business called Park Greenhouse, is featured as a family-run, three-generation small business.

Viki Cover Rife, who directs communications for the Women of Grace and is the daughter of former GBIM missionary Robert Cover, helps connect the families. She says,

” You can basically assume that all the Covers in that area are related somehow. Floyd’s dad and my grandfather were cousins. John and I were married in the Ripon church by my dad, assisted by Jack Cover, who is Floyd’s brother. Floyd and Glenna did the flowers for our wedding and did a beautiful job of making that old school-gym-turned-sanctuary look appropriate.”

Here are several paragraphs from the story–to read the entire article click here.

A granddaughter, like her other siblings, also speak very highly of her grandparents.

“I’ve worked here off and on since we were little, but more permanently this past five, six years,” she said.

She enjoys the job immensely, she said, and most especially working with members of her family especially her grandparents.”It’s a blessing to be with the family and to be able to help out here,” she said.

The family worships at the Grace Brethren Church on Main Street in Ripon.

As for her grandparents, “They’re always keeping busy. You can tell they enjoy it and everybody enjoys having them here. They’re very hardworking. They’re friends with everybody. But the best thing I’m grateful about them is the godly heritage that they passed down, and their Christian example is a blessing,” the granddaughter said.