The following update from Russ and Betty Ogden on their son, David, who is pastor at Okeechobee, Florida, Grace Brethren Church, comes as welcome good news to the many who have been praying for David and this family.
When we heard of David’s hospitalization on December 16 with a pulmonary embolism, we asked God for a miracle that would restore David, bless his family, and bring glory to God.
A miracle is a big request; it is not in the routine of things and not to be asked for lightly. Friends around the world have joined us in prayer. We believe God has granted our request.
The providential hand of God is clearly seen in every step of his recovery. He was brought by friends to Martin Memorial Medical Center in Stuart, Florida, rated as one of the one hundred best hospitals in the nation. On duty in the ER was the best pulmonary surgeon in the hospital.
He immediately sensed a blood clot blocking the lungs and inserted a large-bore catheter into David’s left shoulder to rush medication to the problem. He attached a respirator with an oxygen tube down David’s throat to rush oxygen into his blood stream. He attached a Heparin tube to dissolve the blood clot, several other tubes, and heavily sedated David so he would not move.
When we arrived on Friday, the 17th, his condition was serious. On Saturday, the 18th, his surgeon implanted a Greenfield Filter (it spreads like umbrella ribs in the vein ) between the blood clots in his left leg and his lungs to catch any large clots that might move. The medication would then help to dissolve them.
Angela, with 18-month Caleb, and Ben were there. David rested on Sunday, the 19th. On Monday, the 20th, the doctors began to reduce the sedative. David could respond to us with his eyes and head movements. He understood everything. He was breathing on his own.
Tuesday, the 21st, they removed the respirator, set him in a chair and gave him some physical therapy. He could talk freely, but his throat was sore from the oxygen tube. He ate a few bites of lunch from a hospital tray. At3:00 PM, Doug, Elijah and Bethany arrived from Sebring to visit. At 4:00 PM, nurses moved David to a private room on the fifth floor with a beautiful view of the Lucy River where it is a half-mile wide.
He ate a light supper Wednesday, the 22nd; his therapist walked him down the hall to the nurse’s station and back. On Thursday, the 23rd, he continued to gain strength. They started him on Coumedin, a blood thinner. His personal chaplain was our friend, retired pastor and missionary Dr. Ronald MacDonald who lives in Stuart. How many people do you know who can say that in their illness Ronald MacDonald ministered to them?
Friday, the 24th, at 10:00 AM, he was released from the hospital–eight days after being admitted in critical condition. We drove him home to Sebring as he reclined in the back seat of our car. His kids didn’t know he was coming, but were all in the driveway when we arrived for an emotional and spectacular welcome!
The family enjoyed Christmas eve (also Angela’s birthday) and Christmas together–except for Aaron and Kate who were vacationing with her parents in Mexico. We stayed for the weekend and returned home Monday evening the 27th.
PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW! Our deepest thanks to all you friends for your earnest, effective prayers. “To God be the glory, great things He has done!”
–Russ and Betty Ogden