The Executive Committee of Grace Brethren International Mission’s Board of Directors met all day this past Friday. The entire Board of Directors came together that evening to begin their annual meeting.
Many strategic and financial decisions are expected be made in this meeting, affecting Grace Brethren missions around the world. The board’s annual Day of Reflection was Sunday, a time of focusing on several strategic issues. GBIM leaders request prayer for the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and for continued unity and clear understanding of the issues at hand. Dr. Sherwood Lingenfelter is president of the board, and is leading the meetings.
Later this week, on Thursday and Friday, the board of the Brethren Missionary Herald Company will meet at BMH offices in Winona Lake under the direction of board chair Dan Thornton, who is pastor of the Peninsula Grace Brethren Church in Soldotna, Alaska.
The board will hear reports on the growth and development of the FGBC’s new periodical, FGBC World, and its accompanying website and editor’s daily blog. They will also hear updates on the separation of BMH Books from its former publishing partner to now being a standalone independent publishing house, and they will also discuss some of the final details of the closedown of GBC Media.
Plans for BMH involvement in the upcoming Equip05 national conference will be discussed, as well as one-, three-, and five-year strategic plans for the company.