Ten Years Ago – March, 1995
— Dave Mitchell, pastor of the Waipio GBC in Hawaii, traveled to China with four other men to hand deliver Christian material and Bibles to Chinese pastors.
— The Lexington, OH, GBC, Dave Adkins, pastor, commissioned 60 people from their congregation to begin a new church in Mt. Vernon, OH.
— Wayne Hannah was to begin May first with GBIM as the field representative for Europe and Africa.
— Abner Solano started planting the second Hispanic GBC in the Yakima Valley of Washington State.
Twenty-five Years Ago – March, 1980
— The Richmond, VA, GBC celebrated its self-support status in January on the Sunday of the city’s historic eighteen-inch snowfall. Kurt Miller, pastor.
— The Brethren Investment Foundation (now GBIF) celebrated its 25th anniversary, announcing more than $11 million dollars in savings accounts and paying 6.02 percent interest on deposits. Walter Fretz, director.
— Warren Tamkin resigned at Suburban GBC in Hatboro, PA, to pastor the new work in Island Pond, VT.
— Rosemont GBC in Martinsburg, WV, held a mortgage-burning service on January 20. Donald Weltmer, pastor.
Fifty Years Ago – March, 1955
— Evangelistic meetings were held by Bill Smith at LaVerne, San Bernardino, and South Gate, CA; by Dean Fetterhoff in Uniontown, PA; and by Lester Pifer in Johnstown, PA.
— William Male accepted the pastoral call to the Philadelphia, PA, FBC, upon his graduation from Grace Seminary.
— Ralph Burns concluded his ministry at Clay City, IN, to accept the pastorate at the Altoona, PA, FBC.
— Ground-breaking services were held for the new church building at the Riverside GBC in Johnstown, PA, on April 3 and Goshen, IN, on March 13.
— Scott Weaver was ordained to the ministry at the Osceola, IN, GBC on March 13.