The Friday, November 19 entry in this blog (see November archive) detailed the all-night prayer meeting in the Rainbow Room of the Westminster Hotel in Winona Lake, Indiana, which preceded the Billy Graham 1949 Los Angeles crusade. That article will also appear in the January/February issue of FGBCWorld, soon to arrive in homes and churches.
Judy Daniels, of the Grace College alumni publications office, has alerted us to a recent replication of that meeting by current Grace students. Read and be blessed. To receive Judy’s updates contact her at
STUDENTS HELD AN ALL-NIGHT PRAYER MEETING at Westminster Hall on December 3, led by the Grace Ministries in Action Prayer Team. The meeting was the idea of senior Candice Cavett, who was inspired by a Youth for Christ video that she saw this summer. The video included a segment on the famous all-night prayer meeting in 1949 at Westminster which included a young Billy Graham.
Candice thought another all-night prayer meeting in the same location would be a good idea for Grace. The night was divided into segments with students praying for specific requests such as the college and seminary, missionaries, the persecuted church, and local churches.
The meeting ended with a prayer walk around campus where students prayed for specific buildings as well as ones to come, such as the Event Center.
“The whole night just came together so beautifully,” Candice said. She hopes that students continue the all-night prayer meeting at least once a semester in future years.