By Terry White, FGBC World Editor
We’ve been very pleased with the number of people who indicate they’ve been reading the “Editor’s Blog” on our www.fgbcworld.com webpage.
Recently I spent a morning in southern Ohio with pastors from that district.
We were discussing the BMH webpages (www.fgbcworld.com and www.bmhbooks.com ) and one pastor made an excellent suggestion.
“Show us how to make your Editor’s Blog our home page,” he suggested, indicating that he would be much more likely to read it regularly if it pops up when turning on the computer, rather than having to hunt for it or click on “favorites.”
I thought that was an excellent idea, and here are three easy ways to make it happen.
Easiest is simply to go to www.fgbcworld.com and in the upper right corner click on “Click here to make the Editor’s Blog your home page.” What could be easier? Fellowship Coordinator Tom Avey suggests another simple way: “You can also make a web page your home page by loading that page, and drag the icon at the beginning of the url over your home page icon at the top of the browser.” And finally, if you enjoy step-by-step instructions, sit down at your computer and do the following:
Open your internet browser
Click “Tools”
Go down and click “Internet Options”
Click the “General” tab, and you should see a sentence something like this: “You can change which page to use for your home page.”
It will say “Address” followed by a box. Use your mouse to highlight the current homepage setting, hit “delete” to wipe it out, and type into the box
Click “OK” at the bottom and you’re all set. Next time you open the browser, voila! Editor’s Blog will be your home page.
And if none of these works-call me on the phone.
Why would want to do this? Simply to have the richest, most up-to-date, most wide-ranging information about what is going on in Grace Brethren churches and among Grace Brethren people.
We scan the environment continually – the national organizations, bulletins and newsletters from churches, e-mail updates, web alerts, Christian news sites – to find news about what God is doing through our Fellowship. Sharing information is one of the ways we hope to build bridges of communication.
See you on the Blog!