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Rugged Relief Workers Needed Immediately

Feb 18, 2005

GBIM’s Wayne Hannah, left, consults with Thai families over lists of the missing and dead from the December tsunami disaster. Posted by Hello

Grace Brethren International Missions (GBIM) and Thailand Campus Crusade are combining efforts to raise up early-stage tsunami relief teams. The first one is scheduled for March, only several weeks away. Right now there are lots of openings for this team. GBIM is hoping to have a team of 20-25 individuals.

If you are interested in this team, please contact Ted Rondeau at (574)268-1888 x 29 or as soon as possible. If you are not interested, but know someone who would be, please pass this message on to them. For more details, see below or visit You can also visit to find out what else GBIM is doing to help the victims of the tsunami.

GBIM will select 20 individuals to work on the island of Prathong, home to an unreached people group called the Mokens (“Sea Gypsies”). The work will be varied, providing whatever services are necessary. Team members must be ready for:
– Rugged camping conditions (tents, bags)
– Little to no down-time
– Eat whatever is provided
– Limited or no bathing
– Physical, emotional & spiritual challenges

Brief Background Information:

The day after the tsunami hit Thailand all of GBIM Team Asia gathered just north of the devastated area for a family conference. There was no possible way for the team to be of any help at that point, but after the conference Asia Regional Director, Wayne Hannah and Ted Rondeau met with Campus Crusade staff who were developing a plan of action for early stage relief efforts.

Mike Christian, a long-time missionary to Thailand and member of the Waterloo (IA) Grace Brethren Church, invited GBIM to partner with them, both in these early efforts and in long-range evangelism and possible church planting. Hannah and Rondeau toured the relief areas and agreed to respond to the invitation.

The first phase of this effort includes several X-teams of American young adults to accompany Thai Christians to minister in any way possible to the homeless and hurting survivors. These teams could involve physical labor, will involve prayer, encouragement visits with families, distribution, assisting professional care workers as needed, etc.

The GBIM team of 20 will depart March 12 to rendezvous with as many as 200 other university students from the U.S. and Thailand. After initial training in Bangkok, the team will travel together to Prathong Island. Cost is $2,000, and a passport is required. Contact Ted Rondeau IMMEDIATELY at (574) 268-1888 x29 or if interested.