TIME Magazine released its list of The 25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America as a special feature to its Feb. 7 issue. The feature, which is prominently displayed on the magazine’s front cover, focuses on “those whose influence is on the rise or who have carved out a singular role,” according to TIME.
Topping the list of 25 was Rick Warren, who TIME dubbed as “America’s New People’s Pastor.” Warren, who pastors the 22,000-member Saddleback mega church in Lake Forest, Calif., is best known for his book ‘The Purpose Driven Life,’ which has sold more than 20 million copies over the past two years and is the best-selling hardback in U.S. history.
When 600 senior pastors were asked to name the people they thought had the greatest influence on church affairs in the country, Warren’s name came in second only to Billy Graham’s. “Although Franklin Graham is heir to the throne of the Billy Graham organization, many believe that Warren, 51, is the successor to the elder Graham for the role of America’s minister,” the TIME added.
Also included in TIME’s list of 25 were prominent Christian figures such as Charles Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship Ministries and “one of evangelicalism’s more thoughtful public voices,” according to TIME; James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family; Billy and Franklin Graham, dubbed by TIME as the “Father and Son In the Spirit”; Ted Haggard, who as president of the National Association of Evangelicals, represents 30 million conservative Christians spread over 45,000 churches from 52 diverse denominations; and Richard Land, “the Southern Baptist Convention’s main man in Washington,” according to TIME.
The following is TIME’s List of “The 25 Most Influential Evangelicals in America” along with their TIME-dubbed titles, as they appear in the Feb. 7 issue:
1. Rick Warren: America’s New People’s Pastor
2. Howard & Roberta Ahmanson: The Financiers
3. David Barton: The Lesson Planner
4. Doug Coe: The Stealth Persuader
5. Chuck Colson: Reborn and Rehabilitated
6. Luis Cortès: Bringing Latinos To the Table
7. James Dobson: The Culture Warrior
8. Stuart Epperson: A High-Fidelity Messenger
9. Michael Gerson : The President’s Spiritual Scribe
10. Billy & Franklin Graham: Father and Son In the Spirit
11. Ted Haggard: Opening Up the Umbrella Group
12. Bill Hybels: Pioneering Mass Appeal
13. T.D. Jakes: The Pentecostal Media Mogul
14. Diane Knippers: A Think Tank With Firepower
15. Tim & Beverly LaHaye: The Christian Power Couple
16. Richard Land: God’s Lobbyist
17. Brian McLaren: Paradigm Shifter
18. Joyce Meyer: A Feminine Side Of Evangelism
19. Richard John Neuhaus: Bushism Made Catholic
20. Mark Noll: The Intellectual Exemplar
21. J.I. Packer: Theological Traffic Cop
22. Rick Santorum: The Point Man On Capitol Hill
23. Jay Sekulow: The Almighty’s Attorney-at-Law
24. Stephen Strang: Keeper of “The Faith”
25. Ralph Winter: A Global Mission
Full details of each can be found at http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101050207/