Propelling vision and mission through celebration, connection, education, and inspiration.

Workshops Announced for Access 2023

Jun 7, 2023

Access features opportunities to engage in discussion and learning experiences that can help provide valuable ideas and resources for ministry and Christian living. These limited workshops were chosen specifically to facilitate conversation and education on topics related to moving forward in our ministry. We encourage everyone attending Access to participate in one workshop on Wednesday and one workshop on Thursday. 


How to Actually Reach the Next Generation
Led by Eric Miller, Executive Director of Ministry for Momentum Ministry Partners
How do we best navigate the rapidly-changing culture all around us while maintaining a biblical  perspective, winning others for Christ, and raising up the next generation of leaders? In this workshop we will have a practical conversation about what the church needs to do to actually reach Generation Z, with observations on ministry strategies that seem to be working and those that are not. 

Responding to Gender and Sexual Identity Questions
Led by members of the Charis Symposium
Questions about gender and sexual identity continue to challenge the church. How do we preach and teach on gender? What postures and gestures are appropriate? What pronouns should we use? In this workshop we will address these and other FAQs. The workshop will comprise brief presentations, case studies, and table discussions.

Fostering Interdependency through a Fresh Look at Communion
Led by Dave Guiles, Charis Alliance Coordinator
What is interdependency, and how does it relate to the practice of communion? In this workshop we will explore how Paul employed footwashing, the love feast, and the bread and cup to encourage healthy relationships between local churches.

Taller en Español: El Estrés del Ministerio y la Necesidad de Ayuda (Workshop in Spanish: The stress of Ministry and the Need for Help)
Led by Carlos Áleman, Pastor y Professor del Instituto Biblico
What do you do when the stresses of ministry begin to affect your physical health and ability to care for others and yourself? In this workshop you’ll hear in Spanish the story of a successful minister of the Gospel walking through burnout and back to recovery. There is encouragement and lessons here for all of us who face the stresses of full-time ministry.


Exploring the Power of a Woman’s Story
Led by Jenn Avey, Executive Director for Charis Women
Women have been testifying to the Good News from the very beginning. Our voices have been used to spread the Gospel far and wide. This is still true today. You have a story to share in this fast-paced, ever-evolving culture that can point people to Jesus. In this workshop just for women we will focus on evangelism and practical tips for being prepared in every season and situation to give your testimony and offer the words of life.

A Conversation about Gender and Sexual Identity
Led by members of the Charis Symposium
In this workshop about gender and sexual identity we will appeal to wisdom, conscience, and the recovery model applied to sexual struggles. Following brief presentations, we will moderate a panel discussion of several Charis Symposium contributors, soliciting questions from workshop attendees. The workshop will conclude with a summary of best resources on the topic.

Fostering Interdependency through a Fresh Look at Grace
Led by Dave Guiles, Charis Alliance Coordinator
What does interdependency look like when churches choose to put it into practice? In this workshop we will look at how Paul harnessed the power of charis to help local churches discover the joy of needing and being needed by one another.

Taller en Español: Descubre la Biblia – Una Herramienta Evangelística para el Alma Hispano (Workshop in Spanish: Discover the Bible – An Evangelistic Tool for the Hispanic Soul)
Led by Brian Baughman, Hispanic Ministries Liaison for Encompass World Partners
In this workshop we’ll present a new tool of evangelism contextualized to the Hispanic immigrant living in the US. This tool sets the Gospel inside of the Bible’s metanarrative, helping the learner to see the need for salvation through the lens of God’s desire for a united family.

Get more information and register for Access Conference here.